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FY 17 School Committee Goals

School Committee FY17 Goals and Accomplishments


Fiscal 2017 - Cohasset School Committee Goals

The School Committee is a goal driven body whose charge is to effectively use its resources to provide the best education possible for all students. A working group, consisting of the Superintendent, the district leadership team and community members, developed a district-wide Strategic Plan[1], which was adopted by the School Committee in June 2016. The Strategic Plan includes a set of Overarching Goals for the district along with action steps and a multi-year implementation timeline. Each year the School Committee and Superintendent will develop annual goals to assist in the accomplishment of these Overarching Goals set forth in the five-year Strategic Plan.

As the governing body for the Cohasset Public Schools, the School Committee commits to support the achievement of all students in the district by utilizing qualitative/quantitative data and benchmarking information to inform decision-making regarding student achievement, policy and financial matters.

The School Committee looks forward to working with the Superintendent, the district leadership team, town committees, the Town Manager and the community on its Fiscal 2017 goals.


1. Cultivate a culture of respect through words and actions in order to recruit, retain, and develop exceptional district leadership, teachers and staff.

Action Steps:

·        Identify and hire the next Superintendent by Spring 2017.

·        Increase communication with the Cohasset Teachers’ Association during ’16-’17 school year.

·        Work with the Superintendent to hire a full-time Business Manager by July 2017.

·        Support social-emotional programs, as identified by district leadership, during the ’16-’17 school year.

·        Review the Business Office, with the support of the Superintendent and Interim Business Manager, to identify areas for potential collaboration with the Town, implement efficiencies, and assess staffing needs and human resource processes by January 2017.


2. Utilize multiple channels to strengthen the communication and collaboration with parents, town committees and the citizens of Cohasset.

Action Steps:

·        Engage leadership team in an on-going dialogue regarding student achievement by including on a monthly basis agenda topics related to teaching and learning.

·        Collaborate with town committees to develop reserve policy and manage the Special Education Stabilization Fund by November 2016.

·        Participate in the Long Range Planning Group during Fiscal 2017 by nominating two members of the School Committee and supporting group projects and recommendations.

·        Provide periodic updates to the Board of Selectmen to ensure collaboration and dialogue regarding key issues related to the school district.


3. Strengthen the safety and security of the Cohasset Public Schools.

Action Steps:

·        Review Security Assessment Report with District Leadership, Town Manager and CPD by September 2016.

·        Prioritize capital budget requests related to security in collaboration with the Facilities Department and the Capital Budget Committee by December 2016.

·        Enhance the culture of security by updating the Cohasset public school’s policy manuals/protocols and reviewing the schedule of on-going training/drills for all school personnel by January 2017.


4. Align educational goals of the district with sound financial practices, budgeting and management reporting.

Action Steps:

·        Work with Business Manager to update and automate the fiscal month-end reporting process by October 2016.

·        Review and modify Fiscal 2018 budgeting tool with Superintendent and Business Manager by November 2016 to ensure efficient analysis of key areas of budget detail.

·        Analyze the fee structure and revolving account balances related to Transportation, Kindergarten and Pre-K by January 2017.


5. Support 21st century skills through the on-going rollout of the district-wide Digital Learning Plan.

Action Steps:

·        Collaborate with the district leadership to monitor the ’16-’17 digital learning rollout and the progress of the Five Year Technology Plan.

·        Support the Digital Learning Plan by working with the Capital Budget Committee to ensure capital requests are well documented for Special Town Meeting and Town Meeting.

·        Work with CTO, Deputy CTO and Assistant Superintendent to develop and support integrated implementation plan for the Digital Learning Plan and Five Year Technology Plan.


[1] See copy of Strategic Plan on the district website /Page/1913