FY 16 School Committee Goals
School Committee FY16 Goals and Accomplishments
Cohasset School District
School Committee Goals
Goal 1 Develop report card for measuring district and student achievement by June 2016.
-Determine appropriate peer group(s) for Cohasset school district based on variety of factors (size of district, socio-economic, geography) by December 2015.
-Evaluate and determine metrics to be measured in report card (examples include: student achievement, classroom size, college readiness, college fit, instructional technology, curriculum) by February 2016.
-Hold public hearing to review and collect public comment by April 2016.
-Prepare initial report card for review and comment by June 2016.
Goal 2 Re-envision and update strategic plan for Cohasset school district by June 2016.
-Work collaboratively with superintendent and senior leadership team to develop strategic plan for the school district.
-Ensure involvement of all school constituents in the strategic planning process.
-Assist and participate in focus groups, surveys and peer district interviews as needed.
-Hold public hearing to review and receive public comment by May 2016.
-Publish strategic plan for district by June 2016.
Goal 3 Emphasize consistent, timely communication with the community and ensure that key school initiatives are explained through a variety of media channels
-Leverage school committee section of the new website to communicate FY 16 goals, strategic planning process, operating protocols, superintendent’s goals, policy changes, meeting schedule, archived presentations, and videos of school committee meetings.
-Develop annual calendar of items to be reviewed and discussed by school committee to facilitate community involvement by October 2015.
-Ensure that planned upgrade of district website enhances overall communication and improves functionality for teachers and parents (grades, fees, permission slips).
-Communicate as needed via local news channels regarding school related issues of community interest such as technology plan, major policy changes, enrollment and financial/budget issues.
Goal 4 Professionally manage governance objectives during Fiscal 2016 through the following initiatives:
-Adopt school committee handbook and hold public hearing on operating protocols by September 2015.
-Support development of financially responsible school budget, which promotes student achievement, and follows published school budget calendar.
Utilize qualitative and quantitative data and benchmarking information to inform decision-making regarding operational, policy and financial matters.
-Form Superintendent evaluation sub-committee to assist School Committee in development and monitoring of Superintendent’s goals by utilizing published evaluation calendar.
-Engage in professional development activities as a School Committee, including MASC conferences, regional meetings, and other legislative conferences.
-Review and assess school committee goals and school district report card by June 2016.