*If interested, please see the Host Family Sign-Up Form.
What Is A Host Family?
A host family is a Cohasset family that provides support to a Boston METCO student while they are attending school in town. Support ranges from allowing an occasional afternoon visit at your home on an early release day, to attending a school function on behalf of the Boston student. Not only do they provide a cultural exchange between families, hosts also assist in the adjustment of Boston students to their new school community. Because METCO students spend approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes in daily travel to and from Cohasset, those wanting to participate in after school activities must sometimes lose out on participating because of the distance away from home. Therefore, hosts can play a very important role in helping to Boston studetns to adjsts to thier new school community.
How To Become A Host Family
Host families provide a safe space beyond the doors of the schoolhouse for Boston students during the school year. If you are interested in participating, please complete the Host Family Sign Up Form located on the METCO website: /Domain/211. You can also email me at: agittens-carle@cohassetk12.org if you have more questions.
Other Hosting Possibilities
Because we currently return to Boston on Early Release Days, hosting duties have changed. Instead of the monthly play date at the host's home (although that is still a possibility), we are now asking host families to be available to keep students in the event there is an emergency, an evening event at one of the schools, or a community event in town. But as always, the level of commitment is always determined by the participating families. Therefore, here is a list of other hosting opportunities.
Weekend events: Events such as the PTO Holiday Fairs or Spring Fairs are opportunities to have your student stay over Friday night and parents come down to the fair on Saturday.
Special school projects are an opportunity to work together especially if it would be difficult to bring the on the bus. After school programs at each building are also a great enrichment opportunity.
Birthdays: Contact your host family to assist in getting birthday snack (safely) to school! Especially if the student wanted to do an ice cream treat!
The Town of Cohasset is also known for other wonderful opportunities and events that our Boston students hear about each year. Without your help they don’t get the experience or the opportunity to attend. Events such as: The Strawberry Festival, The Pumpkin Patch, Spring Arts Festival, the Our World Children's Global Discovery Museum, and simple everyday experiences such as the beach, the harbor, and just playing in the neighborhood are also enriching.
For more information, please feel free to contact, Ms. Aleisa Gittens-Carle by phone at (781) 383-6117 or by email at agittens-carle@cohassetk12.org.