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District Assessments

The district conducts two different types of assessments.  Formative assessments guides instruction by giving us a glimpse of the student's level of understanding of specific information. These include such assessments as DIBLES, Grade, and Qri.  Summative assessments give us the mastery of learning at various points in the learning and instructional continuum.  These include MCAS and for some students, SAT and AP Assessments. The District maintains a calendar of these assessments keeping instructional time optimum.

The Cohasset Public Schools is building consistency in benchmark assessments. These benchmark assessments are used to drive instruction by looking at trends and patterns within grade levels, across grade levels and across content, which helps the district align instructional practices and curriculum.  In addition, these assessments are also used to help determine a student’s progress.  It is important to remember that student progress is based on multiple measures, such as other benchmark assessments, quizzes, unit assessments, class work, and teacher observations and notes. 

This year the district implemented the math and reading i-Ready diagnostic in grades kindergarten through 8.  This assessment is given 3 times a year and will be used to help determine instruction in our Tier 1 core curriculum as well as interventions for tier 2 and tier 3 supports.  Grades kindergarten through 5 use the benchmark assessment series, the dynamic indicators of basic literacy skills (DIBELS) three times a year.  

For more information about i-Ready Diagnostic and DIBLES please see the link below. 

Family Assessment Report 2023-2024 iReady & DIBELS K-5

Parent Guide to DIBLES  Assessment



State Mandated Assessment/MCAS 

The state mandated MCAS assessments were conducted last spring.  The results of these assessments and an explanation of the transition to the Next Generation MCAS are detailed in the presentation to school committee, which can be found on this page. The district will thoroughly review and analyze the results of these assessments and utilize the data compiled to further expand and refine instruction in district classrooms.